30 Aug 2017

6th FAI Junior & 9th FAI EC in Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing in Podgorica, MNE, 2017 - Day 5

Wednesday, 30th August 2017 - Day 5

Live Results Here!
(European Championships)

17.50 pm   Manifest announces that once Round 6 Male Accuracy is complete all jumpers are released for the day.  The buses will arrive at the DZ at 19.00 to go to the Hotels.  Tomorrow morning, Team Leaders' Meeting in front of the Manifest at 7.00 am.     By the end of jumping we still have some rejumps to complete Male Accuracy Round 6.

15.15 pm   After a break to allow manifest, judges and jumpers a chance to have some lunch and get out of the sun for a short while, we now have a call for the WIDI load.  We have around 10 rejumps for the Female 6th Round of Accuracy, but first we will jump the male rejumps for Round 5 and move to Round 6.  It is not possible to continue with Style due to renewed smoke over the area from the bush fires.

 14.00 pm   As Style Male Round 2 finishes the Manifest informs all competitors that we will continue with Accuracy Female to end of Round 7 and also Male Accuracy to complete Round 5 and Round 6.    It is really hot this afternoon running at 32°C and although the winds have dropped, there is a lot of turbulence over the gravel and pad area.  The scoring section tells me we have just completed Round 5 in Female Accuracy, which means we have a competition (minimum no of rounds).

The Manifest announced that when a male jumper has made his 6th Round jump in Accuracy, he is released for the day.

11.45 am   The first 15 minute call for Female Teams, Romania and Belarus, starts us on the 5th Round of Female Accuracy.   

10.20 am   The manifest announces that after the completion of the 18 Female Style Round 2 jumps they will continue with Male Style Round 2 and at the same time (using one aircraft per discipline) move to Round 5 & 6 Female Accuracy.


10.00 am    The wind does appear to be dropping, there is hope that we will be able to move to accuracy soon.  Meanwhile the Male Style continues and we have moved to a fifteen minute call for Female Style Round 2. 

7.00 am   Team Leaders' Meeting in front of the Manifest when the plans for the day were announced.  Complete the 1st Round of Female Style, complete Round 5 Male Accuracy, then switch to Female Accuracy and Male Style.  But, as all plans this week, it had to change during the Widi load when the winds went over the limits for accuracy.  

We continue with Female Style and by 8.05 the Manifest gave a 15 minute call for the first aircraft load of Male Style.

Today the Style camera and landing area is back to the original intended site -  3 km to the East of the accuracy landing area.