15 Sep 2016

Mondial - Day 4 of Competition

 QATAR Canopy Formations, 4-way Sequential have given us our third new World Record at this Mondial - Round 6 - 15 Points; and then broke it again in Round 8 with 16 points.  D O U B L E   C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S

Also 6 new World Champions have been decided today as different events finish

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14.15  Formation Skydiving, 4-Way Female is over and the new World Chamipions are the USA - their third Gold Medal in Formation Skydiving at this Mondial.


Dannielle Woosley, Laura Davis, Jennifer Davidson, Janette Lefkowitz, Sherri jo Gallagher, Scott Janise

USA 1st 224 points : France 2nd 217 points : Great Britain 3rd 175 points

11.30  Artistic Events has completed Freestyle so we now have our third World Champions at this Mondial.

 CONGRATULATIONS to France 2 - Loic Perrouin and Pierre Rabuel

France 2 scored consistantly high points on their Free Rounds of over 9: 1 - 9.3, 3 - 9.2 and 1 9.1, even their compulsory rounds beat the rest of the teams (other than their compatriots in round 2).  France 1 receive the Silver Medal and United States 1 the Bronze.

The award ceremony is planned for this evening.

19.00  Speed has also completed and our new Speed Skydiving World Champion is Henrik Raimer with an average speed of 543.81 km/h

18.40   Canopy Formations has completed round 8 of 4-Way Rotations so we can declare another World Champion:

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S to France with a total of 183 points

Second place went to Russia, 176 and Third to Qatar on 158.

Formation Skydiving 4-Way Open was unable to complete this evening, so Round 10 will be jumped from 7.00 am tomorrow morning.  The bad weather is not expected until later in the day.

17.30   Formation Skydiving 4-Way Open has just completed Round 8.  This was a FAST round - L - M - K - 7 - as you would expect with that number of Randoms.  Belgium and France both scored 39 points and the USA 40, but it was not enough to alter the rankings, Belgium 217, USA 208, et France 197.  The plan of the Meet Director is to complete 4-Way Open this evening (we have bad weather forecast for tomorrow).

Artistics Events, Freeflying has completed and we have another World Champion

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S  to Russia 1 - Mikhail Rozomazov, Valeriy Konnov and Alexandr Ragulin

Like France 2 in the Freestyle event tRussia 1 have dominated throughout the competition, only on their 2nd compulsory round did they lose 0.3 points to France1.  France 1 was in second place and France 2 in third.

Male Style is the first of the "classic" disciplines to complete and we have another World Champion

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S to Libor Jirousek of the Czech Republic

He turned with an average of 6.32, and both round 2 and 4 with sub 6 second jumps (5.97 and 5.96).  Total 31.62

The Silver Medal goes to Elischa Weber of Germany with an average of 6.47 and total of 32.33 :  The Bronze to Dimitrii Maksimov of Russia with 6.53 average, 32.63 total.

16.20   Canopy Formation 4-Way both Sequential and Rotations has completed for the jumpers.  The last round is now being judged.  At the end of round 7 Qatar is ahead in Sequential with 94, France 2nd 88 and Russia 3rd 61:  In Rotations France is in 1st place with 160, Russia 2nd on 154 and Qatar 3rd with 140.

Formation Skydiving 4-Way Open teams are currently in the air on their 8th Round.  At the end of 7 we have Belgium with a commanding lead of 10 points over the USA who are 10 points ahead of France and Russia currently tied in third place.  Lower in the standings there is a good battle between, Austria, South Africa, Italy and Australia.

15.30   The Junior's have been busy today and we have completed 3 rounds of both Accuracy and Style.    For the Females amazingly we have a tie between Leocadie Ollivier de Pury (FRA) and Ling ZHANF (CHN) for first place in Junior Female Style - after 3 rounds they both have an average of 7.69 - total points 23.08, with Tiantian Zhao (CHN) in 3rd with average 8.16.  Junior Female Accuracy has the top 3 tied after 3 rounds : Maria Elkina (RUS), Darja Shastakouich (BLR) and Tiantian Zhao (CHN) all with 5 cm.    The Junior Male results are : Yanan He (CHN) and Anton Kuzmenk and Sebastian Graser (BLR) tie for first place in Accuracy on 4 cm with Anton Nikitsivik (BLR) with Sebastian Graser (AUT) for third on 5 cm.  In Style - 1. Honglin Jin (CHN) 7.79, 2. Yanan He (CHN) 7.88 and 3. Anton Nikitsiuk (BLR) 8.23.

Formation Skydiving 4-Way Female has jumped round 9 (no longer a semi-final round since the rule change at the start of 2016 - now all teams jump the maximum number of rounds).  The USA have a 4 point lead over France whilst Great Britain are in third place ahead of Canada. 

Whilst Canopy Formations 4-Way Sequential has given us another WORLD RECORD in round 6 Qatar scored 15 points, total 64.   France in second place with 61 and Russia 3rd with 45.    2-Way Sequential have also completed 6 rounds ;  here France 1 is clearly in the lead with 176 points, France 2 second with 144 and Russia third with 136.

9.30  It's been a long wait but the Female and Junior Male and Female Accuracy competitors have finally got into the air. A little after 9.00am the first round of Female Accuracy had been completed with three individuals tying for 1st place - Olga Lepezina (RUS), Qiuli Han (CHN) and Steliana Elena Pop (ROU) with zero scores. In the Junior Female Accuracy event we have Maria Elkina (RUS) with a zero score, Leocadie Ollivier de Pury (FRA) with 1cm and in third position is Tiantian Zhao with a score of  2cms. Anton Kuzmenka (BLR) in Junior Male Accuracy scored 0cm putting him in 1st position with 7 fellow competitors sharing 2nd place with 1 cms.

Erica Franz (SUI)  Round 2 jump

7.30  If you watch Skydive-TV's 9.00 am (CDT) broadcast this morning, the Golden Knights, the USA Formation Skydiving 8-Way World Champions and the USA Formation Skydiving VHS World Champions are being interviewed.  A must watch programme.

Today things are much quieter with the morning starting with Female Accuracy.  At 7.50 Male Accuracy was Stood Down for the day.

We will be going into Canopy Formation and  Formation Skydiving 4-Way Female soon.

Iva from Skydive-TV counts down to the Live broadcast